Meet The Team


Hi! My name is Darcie Daniels. I have lived in Colorado for 20 years. I have a passion for gardening, cooking, foraging and teaching children.

My Lil’ Sprouts classes are filled with laughter, music, discovery and love. Love of food, love of being together and love of learning. I enjoy watching the faces of my students as they smell an herb or taste the difference between a cooked, pickled and raw ingredient.

I was raised in the upper peninsula of Michigan by generations of women that spent their Saturday mornings searching the forests for blueberries, raspberries, mushrooms and hazelnuts. I spent many hours as a little girl learning to can, pickle and cook from scratch.

As I moved into adulthood, I lived in Chicago for many years and volunteered in the Chicago school system. I recognized that humans, regardless of age or ethnicity, are all connected by the smells and flavors of food and music.

I met my husband in Chicago. We spent a few years in Baltimore and decided to settle and raise our family in Denver. We have two fantastic kids. Our daughter is in high school and our son is in college.

I have been a student of gardening and cooking since I was a young girl and there is nothing I love more than learning from the wise gardeners while tending to my DUG garden or while harvesting the crops with Slow Food Denver. I love to share my knowledge and passion for food and I am committed to continuing my grandmother and mom’s legacy of teaching my children and our youth how to grow, harvest and cook for the betterment of your mind, body and soul.

When I’m not in the classroom or spending time with my two kids and husband, you can find me hiking, skiing, nurturing my flower gardens, traveling or searching out live music.